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What is Stewardship?
"As each one has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards of God's varied grace" - 1 Peter 4:10, NAB

The Parable of the Talents by Willem de Poorter
Stewardship is when one takes care of something they have been given, and uses it the way they are supposed to. All that we have comes from God, and we are called to use all those gifts we've been given to love God and our neighbor. Three of those gifts we are called to use can be identified as the three Ts: Time, Talent, and Treasure.
Time - We are not just Christians at Sunday Mass and on Holy Days of Obligation! All of our time is a gift from God, so we ought not waste it. You can use your time in love of God and neighbor by being a greeter, by joining a committee, by doing outreach ministry, and by starting a prayer group, among other things.
Talent - In the Parable of the Talents (Mt 25:14-30), the talents are used in order to gain more talents. By using our own talents for others, the goodness of them is multiplied! We are not to bury our talents in the ground like one servant did, but use the gifts we have been given to help others know and love Jesus! You can use your talents and skills by joining a music ministry, by being a lector (public speaking), by being a catechist (teaching), etc.
Treasure - Our money is a gift from God as well, and while we must have some for our own needs, we are also called to use it for the needs of others and in support of the Church that belongs to God. See more details here. And if you would like to give online, you can do so here.
Contact our office at 920-788-1492
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