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What is Confirmation?
Confirmation is one of the Sacraments of Initiation. You are baptized into Christ through Baptism, the first Sacrament of Initiation. Then you experience being nourished at Christ’s table with the Body of Christ when you receive Holy Communion. Now in the Sacrament of Confirmation you will receive the full outpouring of the Holy Spirit. In these sacraments you are united with Christ and His Church, the Body of Christ.

Encountering Christ, putting Faith in Action
As many of you know Faith in Action opportunities are a part of Confirmation preparation at St. Nicholas. And to be more in line with the mission of our Church, we ask all students to participate in Faith In Action opportunities during grades 9-11. The Faith in Action opportunities will be split up into categories—again to better align them with the mission of the Catholic Church. Many of these experiences can and should be done more than once to know where God is calling you to build His Kingdom. Young disciples, please participate in each of the categories through out every year on your journey to confirmation.
Confirmation Grade 11 2024-254
The Confirmation Retreat will be held October 12, 2024 call or email Discipleship for more info
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